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Creative Camps: Main Line Parent Summer Camp Guide

For children and teens around the Main Line with an artistic flair, creative summer camps provide the perfect outlet.

The lively creative summer camps in this Main Line Parent Summer Camp Guide will spark imaginations and build talents across a spectrum of media, from visual arts, theater, and writing to music, dance, and design. Budding creatives can paint plein air landscapes, sculpt clay figures, draft fantasy tales, strum guitars, choreograph routines, or sketch architectural plans. Whether honing their skills independently or collaborating on dynamic group projects, creative-minded youth can thrive in an encouraging environment that breeds artistic risk-taking and innovating new forms of cultural expression.

Click to find out why your neighbors recommend our Main Line Parent Camp Partner Members and scroll to meet some new Summer Camp Friends we found in the area as well! Have a Creative Camp recommendation for the Main Line Parent Community? Comment below to share your experience or show them some LOVE on their Profile Page.

Discover more creative summer camps around the Main Line and Philly’s Westerb Suburbs!

Bryn Mawr Film Institute Summer Filmmaking Workshop

High Schools students (including rising ninth-graders) will have an opportunity to write, produce, direct, and edit a film under the guidance of professional media-makers.

Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation Summer Camps

Through hands-on farming activities and historic crafts, campers age 7 to 13 will learn about history and colonial life! 

Community Arts Center Summer Camps

Campers entering grades K through 6 will experience art through personal and collaborative projects, nature walks and outdoor games. Teen Studios featuring cartooning, photography, ceramics and more for students entering grades 7 through 12. 

I Love Photography Summer Camp

This camp teaches kids about different photography techniques like composition, lighting, focus, and color. It offers camps focused on various photography types like action, sports, wildlife, and macro to match every child’s interests.

Summer Studios at People’s Light & Theatre Company

Students entering grade 2 to those preparing for college work alongside an active professional theatre company, under the mentorship of experienced Teaching Artists in Malvern.

Main Line Parent is published by a team of local women to connect families raising their kids around the Main Line and Philly’s western suburbs with resources, events, and each other. Learn more about us, our mission, and our method for supporting local businesses at familyfocus.org.