Passover Events for Main Line Families
Get ready to break matzah and recount the story of Exodus! Passover begins April 22
This year, Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 22 and continues until April 30. We’ve gathered some community events happening around the Main Line for those who celebrate. Scroll down to have a look!
For the Kids at Passover
A week of unleavened bread — oy! Skipping the hametz during Passover might get boring at times, especially for little ones. If you want to spice up the matzah and make it a little more fun for the kids, check out jdkidphilly’s Pinterest board. On it, you’ll find ideas like Drunken Passover Grilled Cheese, Matzo Toppings from Around the World, and an Overnight Matza Breakfast Bake. Yum! The folks at jdkidphilly also include ideas for getting crafty with your matzah. How about building an ancient “Biblical” house out of matzah? You’ll also find some Passover seder printables and coloring pages to include in your celebration.
For more community events, peruse the Main Line Parent Events Calendar!
Lead photo courtesy of jdkidphilly.