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Getting Your First-Timer Ready for School

Your newbie will start school like a pro, thanks to these tips.

It’s that time of year: the stores are advertising back-to-school sales and there are pencils, backpacks, and crayons filling the aisles. It’s an exciting time, but it also can be an anxious time, especially for children who are headed to school for the first time. In this frenzied period of first-times for both the children and the parents, we’ve got 10 tips to keep everyone nice and relaxed!

Take a tour

This will help the child be familiar with where they are going — and you to feel comfortable knowing where they’ll be learning all day. Show them all of the fun things they will do and play with.


Try out the bus before the big day

The big yellow bus can look intimidating to your youngster. If they are able to do a trial run before the first day, this might help to lessen their apprehension. It’s great for them know what’s going to happen so there are no surprises.

Have a meet-and-greet with the teacher

Most schools will offer an open house so that the parents and student can meet the teacher. This can help you and your child feel more familiar with their new situation. Once the child sees how welcoming the teacher is, they will be excited to go to school.

Read up

Lead through some books about going to school. There are plenty of books out there to help ease the transition into schooling.

New kicks

Go on a shopping spree. Back to school shopping is a sure fire way to get the kids excited to go to school — they can’t wait to put on their special school clothes! Top the day off with a special ice cream treat at the mall.


Talk to your child about school. Reassure them that they will be okay, and that you will be waiting for them when they get home. Ask them if they have any questions. Be patient and understanding with their anxieties — you’ve been there, you can help.

Supplies are for the wise

Pick out a special new school bag and supplies that are both functional and fit their personality (fuzzy pens, anyone?). They’ll need special items on their back-to-school list, but purchasing a few extras that suit them will give them comfort.

Sneak a keepsake

Tuck a special family picture into their backpack. That way they know that you are with them, and they can look at the picture if they are feeling a little bit nervous.

It’s never too early to network

Make a play date with another child who will be going to school with your child. This way there will be a familiar face on that first big day, and you can remind them that they will see their new friend at school.

Don’t forget to smile

This note is for the parents and the kids! Give your little one a big hug and kiss. It’s a big day for both of you! Of course you might get a bit teary once they have gone off, but don’t shed a tear until they are out of sight. They are going to have a great day, and you will too!

Photograph via Canva.