Perelman Jewish Day School: Why It’s Worth It
Perelman Jewish Day School offers unparalleled advantages. From economics and engineering to philosophy and music theory, their students grow to view things from a very distinctive point of view.

Choosing who educates your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. So parents need to navigate the scholastic landscape carefully to select the right environment for their child. Perelman Jewish Day School offers unparalleled advantages. From economics and engineering to philosophy and music theory, their students grow to view things from a very distinctive point of view. Here’s how.
Dual-language difference
Can your child’s brain actually change by thinking in two languages? Researchers resoundingly say yes. A recent Georgetown University study confirms that bilingual people have more grey matter in the areas of the brain that control executive functioning, like memory, task flexibility and problem solving.
At Perelman, students learn in a true language immersion environment. From the first day of school, dual-language skills such as pattern recognition and reasoning broaden their ability to grasp higher-level subjects like algebra, coding and poetry. As bilingual kids go on to middle school, high school and college, they’re able to learn additional world languages more easily. And they are often confident, perceptive communicators, too.
Emotional intelligence
EIQ is a big buzzword in the modern workplace. More than IQ, employers seek out candidates with a high emotional intelligence quotient or EIQ, which is the capacity to understand others’ intentions while appreciating our own feelings, fears and motivations. Kids with strong EIQs also tend to have sharper academic, communication, negotiation and conflict management abilities.
Belonging to an inclusive educational community – like Perelman – helps develop your child’s EIQ – improving adaptability, empathy, social acumen and leadership. In his research, author and psychologist Jeffrey Kress, PhD, notes that the inherent EIQ development approaches found in Jewish day schools are key to forming relationships, solving everyday problems, responding to change and forging identity. “These skills underlie not only successful inter- and intra-personal functioning, but also sound academic skills,” he notes.

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At Perelman, educators weave the wonders of history and ethics into everything your child experiences – with modern advantages. Students obtain a unique view on sought-after career skills, such as collaboration, environmental consciousness and global citizenry.
Kids who consistently analyze Jewish text in meaningful ways develop higher critical thinking skills that they apply in other areas, too. “Because our students interpret Jewish texts and reason in two languages every day, thinking critically becomes second nature,” explains Perelman’s Head of School Mitchell Daar. “That routine of challenging academics positively affects every aspect of their lives.”
Cost-benefit analysis
Even knowing Perelman’s value, some parents assume they can’t afford it. Fortunately, the school offers several scholarship programs for families, along with generous need-based financial aid, special payment plans and other helpful incentives and grants. Every year, the school awards over $1.8 million to families earning up to $400,000.
Perelman’s tuition is aligned with other independent schools – and the investment yields unmatched rewards. By fusing Jewish and general studies, Perelman students go on to higher learning uniquely prepared to take on the future and leave their mark on the world.
If you’re considering Perelman and want to learn more, please call Mindy Andelman, Director of Enrollment, at 267-571-9319,